Online Parenting Bootcamp
At Hamilton Family Counseling we specialize in therapy for children ages 1-12 with big emotions and challenging behaviors.
Our most affordable treatment option is our "Online Parenting Bootcamp" where parents meet together online for 12 weeks to learn the therapeutic play skills of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) (phase 1) integrated with the behavior therapy skills of the PC-CARE parenting protocol developed at UC Davis Children’s Hospital.
Video examples of every strategy are available during the “teach sessions.” At the end of every meeting, each family receives a weekly behavior plan for their child.
While parents can attend alone, families who want to practice play therapy skills or behavior management strategies have a weekly opportunity to receive live coaching with their child during the group.
Through an earpiece, the therapist gives the parent step-by-step instructions on what to say and do to help their child complete a challenging task in real-time while other parents cheer them on and learn by observation. But child participation is optional and video examples are available at every meeting if needed.
Because of the community that is created in these groups, many parents stay in contact after the bootcamp ends and become part of each other's support systems, making the most affordable option the most enriching option for many families.
All our services come with a FREE customized Therapeutic Parenting Webcourse and access to a FREE Weekly Drop-In Group valid for six months after treatment ends.
Let’s work together to transform your child's challenges into triumphs and increase the peace and connection in your home!
Adoptive and foster families can especially benefit.
LGBTQIA+ Affirmative.
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